Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS)
What is Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an application of a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools and families to design effective environments that improve the link between research-validated practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occurs. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining school-wide (Tier One), select group (Tier Two), and individual (Tier Three) systems of support that increase the likelihood of behavioral success for all youth by making problem behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional. A major emphasis is placed on defining, teaching, and acknowledging appropriate student behavior within a school environment which is safe and welcoming. PBS schools, like Valle Vista, intentionally build a continuum of supports for all locations on campus including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, restrooms, etc).